Monday, November 13, 2006

I believe in YOU...

You downloaded my ebook, nine (9) of you just today!, you opened the broadcast I sent about this post to my blog and you even clicked on the link to get here to find out what it is all about.

That is why I believe in YOU, because you are here and you have had to jump through hoops to get here. I think you will be glad you did...


I have some great things I would like to share with you to make you even better at this business of marketing and network building and well just being the best YOU can be.

This first gift was given to me by Joe Vitale just for finding out about his new product called Hypnotic Marketing Fusion. I listened to this gift on my mp3 player while driving to London Ontario last Thursday and it is so cool ~ it's a technique that anyone can use to access the genius within and much more.

YOU can get it directly from me at this link ( or go to find out more about his new product at his link below and get it from Joe directly. Your choice, but whatever you do just get it and listen to it.

It is an MP3 called Think. It will help you tap YOUR own genius. It is an interview with a gentleman named Win Wenger (, a delightful fellow who may be today's Einstein. You can decide that for yourself.

Here's the link to get it directly from Joe here:

There is something else Joe asked me to share with you.
Invincible Marketing
The 7 Principles of Success in Business
Expanding Warm Markets
By the way did you get the second volume of  Expanding Your Warm Market yet?
If not get it here
Watch for Volume 3 to be released soon.
Thanks for being here.
Best regards,
Jake McAuley
PS. Catch Joe Vitale and some of his friends who wer in the movie The Sectret this Thursday, November 16th, 2006 on Larry King Live at 9:00 pm EST during the second of two programs on Beyond Positive Thinking. It should be good!
Skype: JakeMcAuley
vMail: 631.867.4979

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