Friday, November 18, 2011

X Factor mentors send wrong message...

I often agree with Simon but not last night when he sent Stacey home. He should have let the audience choose in a deadlock, I am sure Stacey would have went home anyway but I think Astro would have got a better message. Anyway it has all turned out well. BTW have a look at my main blog it may be something you can sink your teeth into : My Empower Network blog.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Expanding Daily

The EmpowerNetwork is indeed expanding daily.

Check out the update stats as of last night:

Click on this link to get what the excitement is all about.

Where else can you get paid to expand your network? The value is way beyond the low start-up and monthly fee of $25.

The amazing thing is the EN pays 100% commissions directly into your bank account! You read that right 100% AND...

  • you break even with one referral
  • you are in profit when your referral sponsors just 2
  • you are in more profit when you sponsor your third!
  • its a hybrid aussy pay plan that works
  • did I mention the value! amazing
  • its a movement, a revolution..
Check it out and see why you should be bloggin with us!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Expanding your warm market has never been more profitable...

I found the holy grail! well that may be an overstatement but the guys who set this up live in Shangrala! or should I call it by its real name Costa Rica.

Interestingly we had the notion to spend Christmas in Costa Rica this year but life got in the way. With any luck and some perseverance perhaps I will make it to the summit they are having this coming January.

What is it all about? Just drop over to this link and find out:

The Empower Network.

Basically its a blogging platform similar to but with a massive difference:

  • it costs $25 to join and $25 per month
  • you break even when you sponsor just 1 person
  • if its the right person you will be in profit when they sponsor just 2 people and it doesn't stop there
  • everything is included like lead capture pages and automated follow-up
  • training videos and audios
  • motivation if you need it!
There is a lot more so I can only encourage you to visit my EN blog to find out more so you can make an educated decision to join or to keep looking for the $49 guru package that will just make you more broke than you are.

Here is the link again: The Empower Network.

Its pretty exciting to see what you get and how your referrals pay YOUR directly! Its pretty cool and a real "game changer" !